Dr Vasudha Rao's Eunoia Mind Clinic

Dr Vasudha Rao's


Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Welcome to appointment booking website of Dr Vasudha Rao for psychiatry and psychotherapy clinic / consultation. Dr. Vasudha Rao is a leading, experienced, lady psychiatrist and psychotherapist based in Mysuru (Mysore), Karnataka, India. Eunoia Mind Clinic is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist clinic.

All your Psychiatric and Psychotherapy consultation at one place:

1. Online at your place of convenience

2. Offline at Mysore

Our Services

We work on:

  • Relationship issues
  • Marital problems
  • Parenting difficulties
  • Family discord
  • Problems related to academic performance.
  • Low self confidence
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Grief
  • Stress management
  • Personality development
  • Anger management
  • Behavioral like excess watching of mobile phone / TV etc

Consult us for:

  1. Psychiatric consultation regarding mental illnesses and medication
  2. Psychotherapy consultation for:
      • Cognitive behavioral therapy
      • Rational emotive behaviour therapy
      • Couples therapy
      • Marital therapy
      • Sex therapy
      • Psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy
      • Eclectic psychotherapeutic interventions
      • Grief therapy

Why Choose Us

1. Professional approach

2. Holistic care focusing on medical, psychological, and situational aspects

3. Client focused service

Meet Dr. Vasudha Rao, MBBS, DPM

Dr Vasudha Rao, is a qualified psychiatrist with special interest in psychotherapy. She has extensive experience in handling individual clients, families, couples, parents, and adolescents. She has experience in varied settings such as general hospital psychiatry, rehabilitation centers, consultation-liaison psychiatry services for surgical teams, psychiatric in-patient settings.
Alongside traditional psychiatric consultation, she has been offering talk therapies to clients. The passion and commitment towards complimenting mental health issues management with psychotherapy is the belief that human experience is too complex to be limited by illness & pharmacotherapy paradigm. Her work in psychotherapy is based on scientific foundations, ethical principles, and passion in this field.

About Eunoia Mind Clinic's mission:

Eunoia Mind Clinic's goal is to offer holistic approach to mental well-being by combining modalities of psychiatry and psychotherapies. While it is generally believed that human mind achieves independence and maturity by adulthood, the fact that adulthood is full of challenges and difficult life situations, which may need professional support is often ignored. The aim of Eunoia Mind Clinic is to provide psychological support services which contribute to further growth of individual across life stages, so that optimum functioning is achieved. Eunoia Mind Clinic aims to achieve a warm and compassionate atmosphere in journey through complex emotional experiences.

Frequently asked questions and answers:

Psychiatry is a medical specialty which diagnose, treat, and manage mental health conditions by prescribing medicines. A Psychiatrist is a trained medical professional. Due to medical background, illnesses are understood through brain and body functioning.
Psychotherapy is a mode of treatment involving conversations between the therapist and patient. It is often referred to as ‘counselling’ in lay terms. Difference between talk Therapy and counseling is the type of training and structured formats aimed at treatment. It involves talking to a trained therapist, either one-to-one, in a group or with your wife, husband or partner. It allows you to look deeper into your problems and worries, and deal with troublesome habits and a wide range of mental disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia. Psychotherapy can help you discuss feelings you have about yourself and other people, particularly family and those close to you. In some cases, couples or families are offered joint therapy sessions together.
Psychotherapists are mental health professionals who are trained to listen to a person’s problems to try to find out what’s causing them and help them find a solution. As well as listening and discussing important issues with you, a psychotherapist can suggest strategies for resolving problems and, if necessary, help you change your attitudes and behavior. Some therapists teach specific skills to help you tolerate painful emotions, manage relationships more effectively, or improve behavior. You may also be encouraged to develop your own solutions. In group therapy, the members support each other with advice and encouragement. A therapist will treat sessions as confidential. This means you can trust them with information that may be personal or embarrassing.
It is done over multiple sessions of interaction with the client.
One of the key objectives of psychotherapy is to help you gain a better understanding of the issues that are troubling you. It can help you work out new ways of approaching situations that you find difficult, as well as suggesting new methods to help you cope. Developing a trusting relationship with your psychotherapist is very important and will help you be able to talk about long-standing problems. However, this can take time.
As individual needs are unique, the duration and frequency of sessions will depend on the needs of the client and the type of condition. you will meet your therapist regularly, usually once a week, for several months, or sometimes even years.
Fixing appointment is necessary for an consultation. It can be done via e-mail/ WhatsApp/ instagram. Timing, services and service charges are based on mutually agreement between the client and the doctor.
Once appointment is fixed, a copy of a government approved photo ID needs to be submitted online via email. These ID cards maybe Aadhar/ Voters ID / Driver’s license/ Passport. Kindly note that photo, name, age, gender and the address of the client needs to be legible in the copy sent. An informed consent form, needs to be signed and sent via email. Client’s signature for the consent form can be a digital signature or a photo of a signature done on paper done by client.

The presence of the client is a must for all consultations. In psychotherapy sessions, spouse or relative may be involved, as the situation demands. In that case, the photo ID and consent form of the attending family member is also required.

1. Children.

2. Suicidal individuals: Suicidal individuals require emergency psychiatric help. Such individuals are advised to visit nearest Psychiatrist/ hospital emergency room in person at the earliest.

3. Aggressive and violent individuals: need in-person emergency psychiatric help.

4. Drug and alcohol acute withdrawal syndrome (person who is regularly using drugs suddenly stops drugs or alcohol). 

5. Disoriented persons (not fully aware of time/ place and people nearby them)

Eunoia Mind Clinic offers video sessions on Zoom app and WhatsApp video calls. Telephonic consultations are least preferred unless technical issues arise.
In between session is ideally limited to emergency situations, and discussing/ texting between sessions is not recommended.
Initial assessment will include assessment to see if medication is required. Medication when prescribed, will be minimal effective dose. Exclusive psychotherapy (without medication) is offered, if condition is suitable. Conjunct psychotherapies are also done.
Prescription will be sent via email or Whatsapp.
Yes. Medicines can be ordered through your nearest medical pharmacy store or online pharmacies, within the prescribed dates.
Recording and storing of online consultation is not permitted, unless mutual explicit written consent is given by both client and the doctor.
Definitely yes. Online consultations are like in-person consultations in this regard. Your data and what you disclose in session remain confidential. The laws regarding medical information confidentiality apply to online medical practice too.
Service charges are time based. A typical session lasts for up to 45 minutes. The session can be shortened or lengthened based on client’s needs. Service charges are predetermined and fixed based on type of services. The charges are accepted mutually between the doctor and the client.
Payment is online, via UPI / NEFT mode through any of the available app.
Time taken extra will be charged extra as per standard charges.
Kindly note, the informed consent form needs to be signed by client himself/herself. Online consultation cannot be forced. Proxy consultation is not encouraged. All consultations require presence of client, unless other relatives are seen during family therapy.
Please do! It helps in improving our work, technique, and ease of accessing services. Please send your feedback through email or WhatsApp mode.

Our offline clinic location:

Swasthi Clinic
M-77, Megha Medicals Cross,
Kuvempunagara M Block,
Mysuru - 570023

Consultation also available at various hospitals and clinics throughout Mysore on prior appointment basis.
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